Friday, January 30, 2009


Me: so, why is it that you believe that we "need to talk"?
Friend: because I feel that our connection is a little congested and I want to clear the line
Me: our connection?
Friend: ultimately, because I care about you and the connection between us

Now this is the beginning of a conversation with a friend of mine. I was sorry I even asked. You would think that I was talking to a girlfriend or something. I was talking to a guy. A guy that apparently does not understand my humor (even though we have known each other for almost 10 years) and is sensitive…too sensitive. I already have a wife; I do not need a girlfriend.
He is upset at an email that I replied to him about some violin player that gets passed up doing a street performance. I have to say I didn’t care at all about this article. The only reason I even read this article is because the last time he sent me an article, I didn’t read it. In fact I asked him to stop sending me that kind of stuff (I admit that I was not “nice” when I replied, but it’s not any different than how I am normally).
So now he’s hurt. He thinks that we need to talk face to face to repair “our relationship.” You gotta be kidding me. I am not the type of person that is easily offended. My friends and I generally sit around and try to out do each other with offensive jokes. Honestly, I am starting to wonder if it is even worth it. I don’t need a friend that is going to go ‘emo’ on me because I hurt his feelings. GET OVER IT.
I am so tired of having to walk on eggshells around people who are too sensitive. “You hurt my feelings.” WHAT?!! Did I kill your favorite pet or something? No, all I did was say something and YOU decided that YOU would allow it to hurt your feelings. So because YOU have a problem that mentally YOU can not deal with, I should tip toe around you and be nice. For some reason that I will never understand, people have gone to this place that words hurt. Words don’t hurt. YOU and only YOU can choose to let words hurt.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone seems mean when you are sleep deprived and when you have been dealing with a screaming baby......
