Friday, January 30, 2009


Me: so, why is it that you believe that we "need to talk"?
Friend: because I feel that our connection is a little congested and I want to clear the line
Me: our connection?
Friend: ultimately, because I care about you and the connection between us

Now this is the beginning of a conversation with a friend of mine. I was sorry I even asked. You would think that I was talking to a girlfriend or something. I was talking to a guy. A guy that apparently does not understand my humor (even though we have known each other for almost 10 years) and is sensitive…too sensitive. I already have a wife; I do not need a girlfriend.
He is upset at an email that I replied to him about some violin player that gets passed up doing a street performance. I have to say I didn’t care at all about this article. The only reason I even read this article is because the last time he sent me an article, I didn’t read it. In fact I asked him to stop sending me that kind of stuff (I admit that I was not “nice” when I replied, but it’s not any different than how I am normally).
So now he’s hurt. He thinks that we need to talk face to face to repair “our relationship.” You gotta be kidding me. I am not the type of person that is easily offended. My friends and I generally sit around and try to out do each other with offensive jokes. Honestly, I am starting to wonder if it is even worth it. I don’t need a friend that is going to go ‘emo’ on me because I hurt his feelings. GET OVER IT.
I am so tired of having to walk on eggshells around people who are too sensitive. “You hurt my feelings.” WHAT?!! Did I kill your favorite pet or something? No, all I did was say something and YOU decided that YOU would allow it to hurt your feelings. So because YOU have a problem that mentally YOU can not deal with, I should tip toe around you and be nice. For some reason that I will never understand, people have gone to this place that words hurt. Words don’t hurt. YOU and only YOU can choose to let words hurt.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

T-shirts Gone to Hell

This is a sad day for me. Just for fun I went to one of my favorite websites, TshirtHell. I found out that they are going out of business. All I could think was, “Why?! This site is awesome!” I thought maybe the economy was claiming yet another victim (Damn you Bush!!). That’s not it at all. Pretty much the owner of T-Shirt Hell is tired of all the bullshit flak he is getting from people about his t-shirts. People were sending him emails like this,
"I can't even believe people buy this shit. Do you realize your supporting a hate crime? That makes you feel better about yourself? Wow you need a life. We're all human beings and you can't except it."
Really? REALLY??!! Are you complete imbeciles?!! (Judging from your inability to use proper grammar, ‘except’ instead of accept) Why can people understand when something is just supposed to be funny!! Seriously, you people need to get over yourselves. If you find the shirt offensive then don’t buy it. Free speech people!!
I loved how nothing was sacred to this guy when he made his shirts. This guy had the funniest shirts on his site ever and you whinny people ruined it. You actually thought that he was a racist or bigot. It’s just funny, that’s all.
I wish that he would give the company to Karg and I. We would have kept it going and made him proud. Both of us come up with some messed up stuff that is hilarious. Not to mention that we end up offending just about everyone. Oh well. Here’s to you Sunshine Megatron. Greatest site ever!

Friday, January 23, 2009


A little over a week ago someone, we will refer to him as HB (If you read this blog, Entertainment, you’ll understand where all of this is coming from), threw the biggest hissyfit over a 4 letter word.
Yesterday HB was talking about how he didn’t like the church at some point in his life. So he decided to emphasize his feelings about the church during that time in his life by sticking up both his middle fingers. I turned to Shauna and whispered, “Did he just flip off at everyone?” I was a little taken back when he did that.
So after his little talk, we decided to ask him what the difference was. “Well, I didn’t actually say the word,” he says. “What!!” I exclaim, “How is that any different? When you flip people off it’s the same! There is no mistaking what that means.” HB responds, “but I didn’t say it.”
Really? REALLY?!! All I could say is, “Wow dude, that’s a little two-faced,” and walked away.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Can Do Attitude

Apparently I was told, “You have a ‘Can Do!’ attitude.” This is news to me because I never knew that I had an attitude that could be labeled as positive. What really sucks about being labeled this was is that it means that I get more work handed to me. Not kool (Yes I spelled it wrong, I like it like that).
You see, in these tough economic times, a coworker was let go and his position was totally removed (Sucks, but I never really liked the guy. Sorry dude). So in the meeting where we were all told that he was going to be let go, apparently I had a look on my face that could kill (I don’t do well trying hide how I’m feeling, which is why I loose when I play poker). My boss, after the meeting, pulls me aside and asks me if I was ok. Of course not realizing that my facial expression suggested otherwise I said, “I’m fine.” He then tells me how valuable I am and that I could not be replaced. “Don’t worry,” he says, “Your position is secure. With your ‘Can Do’ attitude, you will have no problems here.”
Let me explain why I was upset. I didn’t care that he was getting let go (I know I am a heartless bastard), I was worried about getting stuck with his work.
So now my ‘Can Do’ attitude got me so buried in work that I can barely keep up with my normal day to day functions. Where did I go wrong?